
I’ve finished upcycling the old Three Broomsticks furniture for Tea at Yaz’s!

A curved counter sits against a white background. It is stencilled in the same way as Tea at Yaz's walls, and has a window with white shelves visible in the longest side.

The counter has the same pattern as the walls, the glass case has a back and a frame, and it also folds flat-ish! Much easier to store now.

The shorter side of the curved counter is shown against a white background. The vertical part is folded against the long side, and the countertop is folded down.
This took a while to work out how to do.

The booths also got a makeover – they’re now freestanding, again for easier storage.

Two booth seats and a booth table sit against a white background. The seats are upholstered in cream-and-red fabric, and the bases are dark wood. The table has two white legs and an orange top.

The seats can still open to store little things (which is so handy!) but I did change the upholstery and the wood under the seats.

One of the booth seats is against a white background. The author's hand holds the seat up from the base, showing the empty box space underneath.
Sarah sits at the booth, one arm resting on a cushion that's next to her. She looks at the camera.

Quick test from Sarah confirms they’re still comfy. Next is decorating the walls – I have ideas for fabric hangings and tassels……

Anyways, see ya!


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